3909 Prairie Avenue, Brookfield, IL | info@sokolspirit.org | 708.485.9663
For over 90 years Sokol Spirit has been offering Czech language classes. Starting with youth and now providing adult programs since the 1990's, Spirit was originally part of the Bohemian Free-Thinking Society which sponsored various Czech language schools. Added to the Czech programming are the Friday films.
Syllabus' can be e-mailed upon request. Classes on Czech travel, translations, and private lessons are available.
Further exploring educational programming includes working with the American Heart Association on CPR/AED/Choking Certification Courses where instructors, members and the community become certified for a two-year period. On a rotation basis we offer the Red Cross on Babysitting basics and First Aid certifications...a one-day hands-on experience!
Ask questions about any of these educational classes by e-mail to education@sokolspirit.org or talk to Sister Vera Wilt, Sokol Spirit Educational Director.