(English Subtitles) on the 3rd Friday of the Month. The Czech films start at 7pm in our Czech classroom upstairs and with donation of $5 you get a free pilsner, pop, or water. Our Czech language instructor will be introducing you to all the film background and will be there to answer questions. This is our 11th season!
February 21 The Bartered Bride (opera)/ Prodaná nevěsta; 1981 TV Film; 137 Minutes; Color; Czech with English Subtitles; Rating: G. The Sold Fiancée is a comic opera in three acts by the Czech composer Bedřich Smetana, to a libretto by Karel Sabina. The opera is considered to have made a major contribution towards the development of Czech music. It was composed during the period 1863–66, and first performed at the Provisional Theatre, Prague, on May 30, 1866 in a two-act format with spoken dialogue. Set in a country village and with realistic characters, it tells the story of how, after a late surprise revelation, true love prevails over the combined efforts of ambitious parents and a scheming marriage broker. The opera was not immediately successful and was revised and extended in the following four years. In its final version, premiered in 1870, it gained rapid popularity and eventually became a worldwide success.
March 21 Divided We Fall/ Musíme si pomáhat; 2000; 122 Minutes; Color; Czech with English subtitles; PG-13 Rating for some moderate profanity, a little violence, some mild sexual dialogue. The film opens in 1939 Czechoslovakia. Horst, a Czech-German Nazi collaborator married to a German woman, brings food to the invalid Josef and his wife Marie, who are Slavs. Josef hates the Nazis. When Josef finds David, who has escaped a concentration camp in Poland after first being sent to the Theresienstadt concentration camp in northern Bohemia, Josef and Marie decide to hide him in their apartment. Horst makes an unannounced visit, bringing presents as usual. Marie is ambivalent about their secret: On one hand she never misses an opportunity to blame her husband for bringing in the Jew, but on the other she is merciful and sympathetic with the poor kid locked in the closet day and night.
April 18 Ice Mother/ Bába z ledu Family drama, current times; 2018; 106 minutes; Color; Czech with English subtitles; PG-13 Nudity. Hana lives alone in a big villa with only weekly visits from her two belligerent sons and their families to look forward to. Complete with nagging and passive aggressive arguments between her children, these weekly dinners are a family tradition no one dares change. Hana continues to live alone and selflessly care for her family until one day, while on a stroll with her grandson, Ivanek, she happens to rescue Brona, an affable ice swimmer with a hen for a best friend, from drowning. This encounter invigorates Hana and introduces her to a new hobby as well as an unexpected romance.
May 16 I Enjoy the World With You/ S tebou mě baví svět; 1982; 82 minutes; Color; Czech with English subtitles; PG-13 Child nude bath scenes. Three middle-aged men go for a vacation into the mountains with their children. How will they cope with their youngsters’ everyday needs without their wives? It seems like a well-told story, but the way Director Polednakova approaches the subject is simply charming. It truly is one of the most original sit-coms. Every character has got all the ingredients of a common man you meet on the street. They are not just one-dimensional comic figures. Polednakova will introduce every one of them in an inobtrusive way through many hilarious scenes…you will love them with all their good and bad sides.
Sokol Spirit’s Education Committee reserves the right to change movies due to circumstances beyond their control.
follows in the building’s lower level starting at 8pm!
Sponsor: Foreign Language Committee of Sokol Spirit
Sokol Spirit is a 501(C)(3) not-for-profit organization.