Wheel Gymnastics Class

Gymnastics Wheel at Sokol Spirit

Spring 2025 Session: January 13th - May 16


Wednesdays 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.


Session Price: $200



Full 2024-2025 Session: September 9 - May 16


Wednesdays 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Session (31 Weeks) Price: $300




**After the first week, this class may be split into two smaller Wednesday night sessions based on ability/size**


Students will work on the wheel and related skills to enhance their strength, balance and body awareness.



Not sure about a whole class,

but want to give the wheel a try? 


Try a class for $10 per class - pending availability

Contact programs@sokolspirit.org or 630-969-4855

for more info or to set up a time to visit a class.


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